Empty Arms and our team of dedicated volunteers play a vital part in providing support to anyone in Saskatoon and area who has been affected by pregnancy and/or infant loss.
Connecting with another person who has lived through a similar life-changing event can be a vital link for someone struggling with their own situation. A supportive peer can model hope, encourage healing, and help others integrate their new life circumstances. Peer support is based on key principles of respect, connection, mutual agreement, and empathy.
Peer support refers to support from a person who has acquired knowledge based their own experience, and draws from that experience when interacting with others in a supportive setting.
Please find our volunteer application here. Applicants must reside in Saskatchewan.
All completed applications are to be returned to info@emptyarmspls.com
Upon submission, a confirmation of receipt will be issued. After the application has been reviewed, the individual will be contacted by the Volunteer Coordinator or Programs Director to further discuss the needs of our organization.
We thank you for your willingness to be a part of the journey.
Once completed, submit to info@emptyarmspls.com